Following the recent series of lockdown periods, the London College of Fashion wanted to celebrate the return to campus for their staff and students. Understanding that everyone has had an anxious time recently, and many will be traveling to campus for the very first time, the College wanted their buildings to be welcoming, inspirational and hopeful.
Using key social and circulation spaces we were tasked with developing a narrative supported by a series of design interventions that were prominent in the activation and uplift of their buildings.
The concept was a visual conversation that responds directly to the question, ‘why are we back?’
Through the notion of ‘Life of an Alumni’ we presented a series of responses reminding staff and students of the many opportunities that will present themselves beyond these current times. The spaces ‘speak’ to the students and remind them of all the positive things of being back on campus and inspiring them in continuing their courses.
Showcasing activities that can only happen on campus and which cannot happen at home on a tablet or laptop, we celebrated the experience of working with leather, textiles, fabric, dye and pattern-cutting.
Using a series of quotes and bite size statements, we aim to inspire students by celebrating Alumni such as Caroline Andrew who made a name for herself as the first woman to take over a tailoring workshop in London’s Mayfair, or Ioana Ciolacu who received a Designer for Tomorrow Award from Stella McCartney, and has now founded her own sustainable fashion label.